Dev Log 1 [05.16.24]

Hi Y’all,

I wanted to post an initial update and answer a few private questions I’ve received.  

First, a big thank you to everyone who’s played, commented, rated, and just shown general interest in this project! Honestly, I wasn’t expecting the amount of interaction I’ve received for this short demo, especially because I am terrible with marketing and dropped this on itchio with no promotion beforehand.

Development updates since the demo release:

  • My core focus for the last week has been on some writing(an additional 4k) and;
  • UI updates, cleaning up formatting, adjusting fonts and elements to make things easier to read and interact with, and an extended 'credits' page.

Dev logs will likely be monthly and shift to bi-weekly as we move closer to final release, as there will be more interesting things to update then.


  • Next expected update release: by or before July 1st, 2024
  • I will be submitting an update for this year's Otome Jam 2024. 
    • I'll have a better sense of what it'll entail in the coming weeks, but I expect it to either be a heavily extended chapter 1 or an extended chapter 1 and the release of one route.  
    • At a bare minimum, I am looking to increase the story from the current 4/5k to at least 35k.

Additional questions I’ve received:

  • When is it going to be released?
    • TBD, but I am hoping to wrap everything up before summer 2025, ideally it will be sooner.
  • Will it be free?
    • Yes, the game will remain free after release.
  • How big is the final game?
    • TBD, I am a solo dev and this is my first project- while I have an outline of core events and endings for each route, I am still gauging story length and the interactive elements as I go. I want to make sure I can tell the story I want and give the best player experience I can, all without taking on more than a single person can realistically do in a short development cycle.

That’s all for this update, thanks again!

- Gallows

Get High Fashion Hellions (Demo)